Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley & Camp Livingston, Inc.

Administrative Reorganization and Modernization

Ben revamped and modernized the entire financial systems for The Jewish Federation and Camp Livingston as their Executive Director.  Migrated and rebuilt entire database from old obsolete system to new cloud-based software systems.  Improved reporting processes to more transparent models.  Oversaw multiple audits with independent CPA firms specializing in non-profit organizations making them GAAP compliant and more eligible for grants.  At the Federation migrated entire server system to the cloud.  Additionally, restructured entire business operations for both organizations.

Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley

Department of Homeland Security Grant for Security Enhancements

During Ben’s tenure as the Executive Director, he spearheaded and implemented a full upgrade on the Federation’s physical security equipment, layout and software. Ben was able to secure 100% of the funding for this project through the Department of Homeland Security & Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Non-Profit Security Grant Program.   

Camp Livingston, Inc. & Camp Havaya (formerly Camp JRF)

Master Facilities Plan and Capital Campaign Development

As the Operation Director at Camp JRF, Ben worked closely with the Executive Director and Development Director to help implement their Master Facilities Plan for their facilities and newly acquired and renovated facilities in 2006. 

As Camp Livingston’s Executive Director, Ben initiated a major capital campaign for the renovation of the camp’s aging facilities.  This included a master planning process, and working with a prominent local foundation to secure over a million dollars in grant money for the project. 

Camp Livingston, Inc. & Camp Interlaken JCC

New Program Development

For Camp Interlaken JCC, Ben helped to launch two travel programs for camp.  One was in conjunction with a Minnesota based non-profit called Wilderness Inquiry where a group of teens had the opportunity to experience an extended Boundary Waters camping and canoe excursion.

For Camp Livingston, Ben developed and implemented two highly successful programs that continue to this day.  First, a new Multi-Week leadership development overseas Israel Experience for rising 11th graders.  Secondly a complete renovation and rebranding of their CIT (Counselor in Training) program for rising 12th graders.